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23 February 2023
AeroSpace Polish-Basque Networking

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AeroSpace Polish-Basque Networking

Free Virtual B2B meetings (Business, RTD, Talent...) bewtween Polish-Basque Aerospace entities.

Basque Trade & Investment and Polish Investment & Trade Agency, together with Basque Aerospace Cluster - HEGAN, invite you to join the NETWORKING event Between Polish and Basque Private Companies, R&D Centers, Universities, Clusters and any other entity with activity or interest within this sector. A One-day online event involving Aeronautical and Aerospace sectors in Poland and Basque Country.

This event will offer a virtual B2B platform in which buyers, sellers and entities looking for cooperation partners will have the possibility to have pre-arranged 20 minute video call meetings.

This virtual B2B event is a unique networking opportunity for actors in the Aerospace Sector

From the 3rd until the  20th of February 2023 you will be able to register at any time*.

From the 13th until the  22nd of February 2023 you will be able to request meetings at any time

    * You will find the registration procedure explained on the 'How it works' webpage. Shall you have any problems with the registration process, do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Iwona Gieldowska, igieldowska@basquetrade.eus (Polish/English/Spanish) // Mr. Iker Lopez, ilopez@basquetrade.eus (Spanish/English)

    IMPORTANT: Participation in the webinar and the virtual matchmaking is free of charge. However, registration is mandatory. When you register via the button 'Register now' you are automatically registered for the matchmaking.

23 February 2023is the date for both: the pitching session (webinar) and B2B meetings

  1. Webinar 09:00h – 10:00h

    The webinar is the kick-off for the virtual matchmaking. During the webinar you will learn about Basque and Polish Aerospace sectors. Please check the Webinar Agenda Tab for detailed information.

    Please click on the following link https://youtube.com/live/8qBPKVsxUjE to access the webinar.

    2. B2B Virtual Meetings 10:00h – 19:00h

      The meetings will consist of 20 minutes long videocalls.

      First, please send meeting requests to the entities of your interest and accept the requests sent by other participants if you want to meet them.

      Please check your accepted meetings in this platform to access start or access the videocall.

      We kindly ask your punctuality due to the 20 minutes meeting restrain.

      Important: The virtual matchmaking  is organized on one to one meetings bases and will be done in English.

      How can you benefit from this event?

      • Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
      • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled meetings at the event
      • Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
      • Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event
      Closed since 22 February 2023
      Organised by
      Company 44
      R&D institution 6
      Authority/Government 5
      Cluster Organisation 3
      University 1
      Total 59